Wednesday, September 30, 2015

John Wooden

"What you are of a person is more important than what you are as a basketball player.' This quote is by John Wooden it tells me that it isn't important   of being a winning basketball player the only thing that matters is that you are a person of good character so its not about winning a game its about your character and who you are that matters. 


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ezra T. Benson

"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."

This quote by Ezra T. Benson tells me that it is always impossible to do the wrong thing and feel right at the same time for example if you steal a DVD from a DVD store you will never feel right about that it is impossible.

Ezra T. Benson

Monday, September 21, 2015

Boyd K. Packer

Boyd K. Packer once said "The key to freedom is obedience, The more obedient we are the more freedom we have.' This quote tells me that if you are more obedient you are more people will trust you and with them you will gain more freedom. One example of losing your freedom is stealing something from a store or robbing money these examples are disobedience actions that takes away your freedom on the other hand being obedient like listening to your parents gives you more freedom. 


Abraham Lincoln

"When i do good, i feel good. When i do bad i feel bad."Abraham Lincoln, this quote from Abraham Lincoln tells me that doing good makes you feel good also for example if someone drops their wallet in the street and you grab it and return it, the man will thank you and you will feel good that you did the right thing. If you do wrong on the other hand you will feel bad, if you steal a lady's purse you might feel proud but you will feel guilt and with that you will feel bad.